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Chapter 3 Sets and Groups
Chapter Overview
Types of Sets
Calling Interfaces for Sets
Sample Groups
General Features of Groups
Raster Image Sets
Raster-8 Set
Raster Image Set
Tags for Raster Image Sets
Compression of Raster Images
Compatibility Between Raster-8 and Raster
Image Sets
Scientific Data Sets
Required Tags
Optional Tags
Chapter Overview
This chapter describes raster image sets and scientific data sets,
explains the role of sets and groups in an HDF file, and discusses
the routines that are available for storing and retrieving scientific
data sets.
Sometimes tags are grouped into sets, where each set is designed to
serve a particular user requirement. For example, the raster
image set, which is described in the following sections, contains
several tags that are used for storing information about 8-bit raster
One advantage of using sets is that it allows different sites to
implement different parts of the entire HDF specification. When
you take an HDF file to a new site, you obtain a list of supported sets
and your file is perfectly valid for operations dealing with those
sets. Other data which you may have stored in your file is ignored
at that site but is still there when you transfer the file back.
Each HDF set is defined in terms of a minimum collection of data
objects that must be present whenever the set is used. For instance,
every raster image set must contain at least the following three
data objects: an image dimension record, which gives the width
and height of the corresponding image; raster image data, which
consists of the pixel values that make up the image; and a raster
image group, which lists of all of the members in the set.
In addition, there are also optional data objects that may be
included in a set. A raster image set, for instance, often contains a
palette, or lookup table, which gives the red, green, and blue values
to be associated with each pixel in the raster image data.
Types of Sets
At this time, three sets have been implemented two sets for storing
8-bit raster images, and a scientific data set for storing sets of
floating point numbers. Specifications are given for these sets in
following sections.
Some important sets that may be added later include:
Utility set basic utilities
Utility II suggested utilities
Composite set combinations of tags and movie organization
Vector vector and polygon images
Raster image set extension of raster set to 24-bit images
Calling Interfaces for Sets
NCSA provides calling interfaces for all the HDF sets that it
supports. The primary purpose of these calling interfaces is to
provide libraries of routines for reading and writing the data that
is associated with each set. The libraries currently supported at
NCSA are callable from either C or Fortran programs.
In addition to the libraries, a growing number of command-line
utility routines are available for working with sets. For example, a
utility called r8tohdf is an HDF command that converts one or
more raw raster images to HDF 8-bit raster image set format.
NCSA supports calling interfaces for the following machines:
Cray (UNICOS), Alliant (CONCENTRIX), Silicon Graphics
(UNIX), Sun (UNIX), Macintosh (MacOS), and IBM PC/AT
(MS-DOS). The calling interfaces that are currently available
are described in the NCSA HDF manual.
An HDF set is a collection of HDF data objects in a file. Unless
some mechanism is used to identify explicitly those objects that
belong to a set, there is often no way to tie them together. This
problem is solved in HDF by means of groups. A group is a data
object that explicitly identifies all of the data objects in a set.
Since a group is a type of data object, its structure is like that of any
other data object. A group data identifier (tag/ref) points to a data
element that consists of the collection of data identifiers that make
up the corresponding set. A group tag can be defined for any set.
For instance, raster image group (RIG) is the group tag used to
group members of raster image sets; RIG data consists of a list of
all data identifiers that belong to a particular raster image set.
Groups provide a convenient mechanism for application programs
to locate all of the information that they need about a set.
Application programs that deal with RIGs, for instance, read all of
the elements in a RIG group, using only those that they need for
their application and ignoring the others.
Sample Groups
Suppose that the two images shown in Figure 1.5 are organized into
two sets with group tags. Since they are images, they may be stored
as RIG groups. Figure 3.1 illustrates the type of organization that
incorporates RIG groupings of these images.
Figure 3.1 Physical
Organization of
Sample RIG
Offset Contents
0 FH
4 DDH (5 0L)
10 DD (FID 1 130 4)
22 DD (FD 1 134 41)
34 DD (IP 1 175 768)
46 DD (ID 1 943 4)
58 DD (RI 1 947 240000)
70 DD (ID 2 240947 4)
82 DD (RI 2 240951 240,000)
94 DD (RIG 1 480951 12)
106 DD (RIG 2 480963 12)
118 DD (empty)
130 "sw3"
134 "solar wind simulation: third try. 8/8/88"
175 <data for image palette>
943 <data for 1st image dimension rec>: 400, 600
947 <data for 1st raster image>
240947 <data for 2nd image dimension rec>: 400, 600
240951 <data for 2nd raster image>
480951 tag/refs for 1st RIG: IP/1, ID/1, RI/1
480963 tag/refs for 2nd RIG: IP/1, ID/2, RI/2
The HDF file structure depicted in Figure 3.1 reflects the grouping
of raster image sets. This file contains the same raster image
information as the file in Figure 1.5, but the information is
organized into two sets and groups. Note that there is only one
palette (IP8/1) and it is included in both groups.
General Features of Groups
Figure 3.1 also illustrates a number of important general features
of groups:
The contents of each set are consistent with one another. Since
the palette (IP8) is designed for use with 8-bit images, the image
must be an 8-bit image, rather than a 24-bit, 12-bit, or other
An application program can easily process all of the images in
the file by accessing the groups in the file. The non-RIG
information contained in the file can be either used or ignored,
depending on the needs and capabilities of the application
There is usually more than one way to group sets. For example,
an extra copy of the image palette (IP8) could have been stored in
the file, so that each grouping would have its own image palette.
But in this instance that is not necessary because the same
palette is to be used with both images. On the other hand, in this
example there are two image dimension records (one per group),
even though one would suffice.
Group status does not alter the fundamental role of HDF objects.
They are still accessible as individual data objects, despite the
fact that they also belong to raster image sets. In a very real
sense, the individual data elements are in the file regardless of
whether or not there are groups.
What each of the RIGs does is provide an index showing what
sets exist and what their members are. There is nothing to
prevent the imposition of other groupings (indexes) that provide
a different view of the same collection of data objects. In fact,
HDF is designed to encourage the addition of alternate views,
when appropriate.
Raster Image Sets
There are currently two sets for handling raster images: the
raster-8 set and the raster image set. The raster-8 set was the first
raster set to be implemented. It includes a small set of data objects
for efficiently storing and retrieving color raster images. The
raster image set is more powerful, but it is also more complex.
Raster image sets can include more detailed information about a
raster image than a raster-8 set can. Both sets are supported by
HDF software.
The Raster-8 Set
The raster-8 set is a set of tags that provide the basic information
necessary to store 8-bit raster images in a data file and display
them accurately without prompting the user to supply dimensions
or color information. The raster-8 set consists of the tags presented
in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Tags for Raster-8 Sets
Tag Contents of Data Element
RI8 eight-bit raster image data
CI8 eight-bit raster image data compressed with
run-length encoding
II8 IMCOMP compressed image data
ID8 image dimension record
IP8 image palette data
Even though the raster-8 set is minimal and is superseded in most
applications by the raster image set, some implementations may
want to deal with this type of data in a rough form for prototyping or
simple applications. The data stored is compatible with the raster
image set. For more information, refer to the section entitled
"Compatibility Between Raster-8 and Raster Images Sets."
If you develop software for processing raster-8 sets, it must support
RI8, ID8, and IP8. If you do not implement CI8 or II8, then be sure to
provide appropriate error indicators to higher layers that might
expect to find these tags.
The Raster Image Set
The raster image set provides a framework for storing images and
any number of optional image descriptors. It provides for a
description of the image data layout, with the optional presence of
color look-up tables, aspect ratio, color correction, associated matte
or other overlay information, or any other data related to the
display of the image.
Tying everything together is the raster image group (RIG),
examples of which were given earlier (Figure 3.1). A RIG contains
a list of data identifiers that point in turn to the data objects that
describe and make up the image.
The number of entries in a RIG is variable and the presence of
most of the description information is optional. Complex
applications can store data identifiers of image-modifying data,
such as the color table and aspect ratio, in the RIG along with the
reference to the image data itself. Simple applications can use
simple application level calls and ignore specialized video
production or film color correction parameters.
NCSA currently supports a calling interface, documented in the
NCSA HDF manual, defined for the easy storage and retrieval of
8-bit raster images using RIGs. The interface is called RIS8 and it
handles 8-bit color tables and different compression capabilities.
Calling interfaces for storing 24-bit images and other special
cases are under development.
Tags for Raster Image Sets
The tags presented in Table 3.2 must be fully supported by any
raster image set implementation.
Table 3.2 Tags for Raster
Image Sets
Tag Contents of Data Element
RIG raster image group
ID image dimension record
RI raster image data
With full support for the above tags, images can be stored and read
from HDF files at any bit depth, with several different component
ordering schemes. Colors would be up to the calling program to
assign if the image is not in true color. In addition to the required
tags that just define an image data set, the tags listed in Table 3.3
define color properties and other image features. These tags are
described fully in Appendix A.
Table 3.3 Additional Tags for
Raster Image Sets
Tag Contents of Data Element
XYP XY position of image
LD look-up table dimension record
LUT color look-up table for non true-color images
MD matte channel dimension record
MA matte channel data
CCN color correction factors
CFM color format designation
AR aspect ratio
MTO machine-type override
Compression of Raster
Tags for two types of compression have been defined for raster
images. They are run-length encoding (RLE) and IMCOMP
aerial averaging (IMC). Each encoding tag is documented under
its specific tag type (see Appendix A.) Support for RIG and RI does
not require that all of the compression tag types be supported. If you
find an unknown compression type, provide a suitable error
message to the user.
Compatibility Between
Raster-8 and Raster Image
In order to maintain backward compatibility with raster-8 sets,
raster image set interfaces store tag/refs for both types of sets in
HDF raster image files. For example, if an image is stored as part
of a raster image set, there will be one copy each of the image
dimension data, image data, and palette data stored, but there will
be two sets of tag/refs pointing to each data element, one from each
set. The image data, for instance, will be associated with tag RI8
and RI.
Scientific Data Sets
The scientific data set defines a scientific data group, which can
contain a variable number of scientific data descriptors. Current
specifications only support floating point scientific data organized
in rectangular grid arrays. Rank and dimension sizes may vary.
A user interface exists for storing and retrieving scientific data
sets. See the NCSA HDF manual for details.
Required Tags
HDF scientific data sets must always contain at least the data
objects listed in Table 3.4.
Table 3.4 Required Tags for
Scientific Data Sets
Tag Contents of Data Element
SDG scientific data group
SDD scientific data dimension record for array-stored
data. It includes the rank (number of dimensions)
and the size of each dimension.
SD scientific data
Optional Tags
The data objects presented in Table 3.5 are optional. Inclusion of
these objects is supported by NCSA's user interface for scientific
data sets.
Table 3.5 Optional Tags for
Scientific Data Sets
Tag Contents of Data Element
SDS scales along the different dimensions to be used when
interpreting or displaying the data
SDL labels for all dimensions and for the data. Each of the
dimension labels can be interpreted as an independent
variable, and the data label as the dependent variable.
SDU units for all dimensions and for the data
SDF format specifications to be used when displaying
values of the data
SDM maximum and minimum values of the data
SDC coordinate system to be used when interpreting or
displaying the data
3.1 NCSA
Groups 3.1
3.1 NCSA
Groups 3.1